
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Searching a view and clicking on it, does not go to that view. It resets and brings the entire view list.
  2. FIXED: In the expanded row, for hidden columns 2 columns layout is not managed.
  3. FIXED: When creating a checkbox column - error is coming.
  4. FIXED: Payment issue - checkout page mismatch.
  5. FIXED: Payment issue with UI - economy and business option is not working.
New templates added:
  1. Cake order form
  2. Church Membership form
  3. Class Evaluation form






Release List 1.97 - 21st Nov, 2024

New Updates:
  1. Redesign Dashboard
  1. Action limit message need to added for free plans
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Internal server error for Stackby one template page
  2. FIXED: Error while adding checkbox column type in grid.
  3. FIXED: Automation issue on column name contains ( or ) (brackets)
  4. FIXED: Formula not working in button column type also issue in Pre-fill form
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: When creating a new view in the view section real time issue.
  2. FIXED: Wrong label displays when limit reaches in automations
  3. FIXED: White screen when a Stackby tab is open for a long time
  4. FIXED: For lookup of lookup, when adding lookup column from link column config coming Id
New templates added:
  1. Social Media Marketing Strategy Template
  2. Go-to-Market Strategy Template
  3. Sales Strategy Template
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Searching a view and clicking on it, does not go to that view. It resets and brings the entire view list.
  2. FIXED: Coinmarketcap API is not working
  3. FIXED: In the checklist model, when adding date for previous or next month it's not working.
  4. FIXED: Issue in "Limit row selection to a particular view" NOT working
  5. FIXED: When date is created in groupby group, showing empty, but in expand its showing the group's date
New templates added:
  1. Social Media Marketing Strategy Template
  2. Go-to-Market Strategy Template
  3. Sales Strategy Template
  1. New action in automation: WhatsApp 11za
  2. Added 'Image URL' to attachment from File stack upload.
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Added sort in Updated Time column not working.
  2. FIXED: After changing column width getting an error message.
  3. FIXED: Adding link record from form lookup of lookup values not coming.
New templates added:
  1. Product Strategy Template
  2. Recruitment Strategy Template
  1. Added one more option in button column type: Preview URL
Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 10
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: When I send data through API, the date and time is sent in IST but in Stackby row, time zone changes to GMT.
  2. FIXED: Issue when 2 column layout is added in form and when Conversational Toggle is turned on.
  3. FIXED: Automation- page getting blank when clicking on column value in run history section
  4. FIXED: CSS issue in link column type model for single options.
  5. FIXED: When notifications are all read, it still shows “show more”.
  6. FIXED: Formula on link and lookup related update and going in recursion
  7. FIXED: When adding a lookup column for checkbox, checkmarks are not seen.
New Powerups:
  1. Two column layout in form view
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: When filter on (EX: link is empty) and cell update then no row available at that time page breaks
  2. FIXED: Issue in checklist, while deleting any task
  3. FIXED: Primary column issue in Auto-Crunch stack - David Young
  4. FIXED: In the primary column, the summary bar is not getting opened.
  5. FIXED: In updatable form view, after duplication same form link is creating
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Table duplicate creating issue on formula column cause breakage
  2. FIXED: Color condition is not showing in embed view
  3. FIXED: Able to delete view if there is only one view in table
  4. FIXED: Long text column issue in primary column
  5. FIXED: Stack created from template link and related column not working.
New Update:
  1. Direct Import from Airtable : Easily import data from Airtable without the need to export CSV files manually and then importing.
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Blank screen when you share a workspace to another person as a Owner or Creator, and they open workspace setting
  2. FIXED: Unable to convert Multi option column as list in update form
  3. FIXED: Lookup value is not coming real time
  4. FIXED: Open image in mobile view, the attachment preview is not opening in center






Release 1.89 - 24th Aug, 2024

New Powerups:
  1. Filter condition on updatable forms
  1. Added 'Print Row' functionality for two column layout in expanded row.
Bugs Squashed:
  1. FIXED: Paste data from table from Google Sheets
  2. FIXED: Import csv file and convert short text to single option in issue of page break.
  3. FIXED: When changing the column type some data is missed from existing stack
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